Interviews with

Canned Goods Webzine, 2008

Badorf, 1995 flint 707, pistol and erni worked with 3D lettering very early, daim and delta were advancing the style around the same time i started doing 3D end of the eighties... i feel i was one of the first of that first really serious 3D wave, even though daim and delta were already getting public attention when i finally found my style in 3D. loomit started doing perspectives some time later, really pushing the limits of what we thought was possible at the time, working with extreme camera angles and blur...

droppin bombs webzine, 2006

Use your Illusion, 2003hi, my name is oliver, I was born in 1974 and I’ve been doing graffiti since 1989. In 1995, I was one of the founding members of CNSkillz crew ( together with ate1, efas, meric, moritz, scien&klor and seak. I started out doing pretty traditional oldschool outline graffiti until I saw the first 3D styles that were coming up in germany in the beginning of the nineties. Those intrigued me and I got kinda hooked on that after doing a few experiments with the added dimension. So I went on to study communicational design from there since graffiti was the only really interesting thing to pursue. These days, I’m a graphic designer working fulltime and I’ve got way too little time to actually go out and paint much, which is pretty sad. But I get up, I do my share, so that’s all cool even though some of my styles don’t have many traditional aspects of graffiti left in them. You can find almost all of my stuff online at, if you’re interested.

arteam webzine, usa, 2004

Bunt, 1995i did not take the 'traditional' way of seeing the movies, then tagging etc... in spring of 1989 at the age of 15 a friend from school took me to a wall that was on his way to school. i was really impressed and sat there day after day, just looking at the wall and sketching the pieces that were there (CHIP, CEMNOZ, NEON and some more which i forget).

aerosolart webzine, italy, 2004

Cool Shit, 1995I write Neck and represent CNSkillz crew. I did my first piece in 1989. In 1995, I moved to düsseldorf for studying, met meric, moritz and efas. Together we founded cnskillz crew. And then things moved upwards from there on, jams and pieces all over the world, magazine recognition, a little fame. A short crew history can be found on the history section of our website,, plus a lot of pieces of all crew members: ate1, efas, meric, moritz, myself, scien, klor and seak.

bite webzine, japan, 2004

Eyes, 1995I was standing in front of this wall on my way to school and was hooked. I returned there often just to stare at it. It emanated some kind of trapped energy, a feeling of speed standing still. Something grabbed me and didn't let go. I started sketching the pieces that were on the wall and after a while, started sketching my own. I think the general fascination comes from the possibility of having that captivating effect on someone else, with my work. To be able to fascinate people with something I created.

CrewsCorner, Germany, Webzine, 2001

Fuck, 1995Ein Freund zeigte mir eine Graffitimauer auf seinem Schulweg.. und da sass ich dann und habe mir das reingezogen: Pieces von Chip, Cemnoz, Neon, Roman, Scout... dann habe ich angefangen, die Styles abzuzeichnen und irgendwann habe ich mich auf die suche nach mehr Graffiti gemacht.

Breakbeat Magazine, Germany, #18/2001

red / silver, 1996Was bewegt einen Menschen dazu, die Dose zu nehmen und seinen Namen, den er sich selbst gegeben oder von jemanden bekommen hat, überall bekannt zu machen? Geht es immer nur um Ruhm und Ehre oder versteckt sich doch mehr dahinter? Kann es sein, dass man einfach seine Lebenserfüllung darin finden kann oder ist es möglich, dass sogar nur ein einziges Bild ein Leben verändern kann? Hier ein Interview, welches diese Fragen vielleicht beantworten kann

clandestilo magazine, mexico, #1/2000

Those guys in europe really know how to rip shit. While most of us in the americas scratched our heads in awe, a new school of style warriors emerged in the early 90s. Now at the beginning of the new millennium, it's hard to not have heard of at least a few of these guys. They're everywhere. Loomit, Delta, Daim, Seak, How and Nosm, Hesh... and I'm only mentioning a few from the 3d chamber! But there's a dude who appears from time to time, usually as part of all-star productions with his unmistakeable style. Unlike his wallmates' pieces that tear and rip and shoot outward at each other, this guy's pieces seem to float, quietly, ominously... like a Death Star or an ID4 mothership, somewhat stealthy in design and usually in muted tones.

Carpe Diem, Greece, #2/2000

I was born in 1974 in düsseldorf, germany. Moved a bit around germany, found myself in munich and was confronted with graffiti there in spring/summer 1989. Searched all around munich for graffiti, found quite a lot, spent the summer sketching and watching people paint, and in winter 89 did my first own piece, for my girlfriends birthday. Fooled around a bit, did this and that, switched my name to neck in fall 1994. Did the first neck piece in 1995. Then i moved to düsseldorf for studying, met meric, moritz and efas. Together we founded cnskillz crew. And then upwards from there on. A short crew history can be found on the history section of our website,, plus a lot of pieces of all crew members: ate1, efas, meric, moritz, myself, scien, clore and seak.

2def, iceland, webzine, 9.99

Yo-Yo-Yo! Finally putting this damn exclusive interview with Oliver, the man himself .. - Neck of the Checkin Nuh Skillz Crew -. Damage & 2def in association with Reykjavik City and Fonn flew this guy over from Germany to paint a big project with Icelands finest. After an eventful weekend (13-15 August 1999) we sat down at a local cafe and asked him some questions along with with the traditional sketch exchange.

r.e.r., france, #35/1999

Pendant l'année 89, sur le chemin de l'école, un ami me montra un jour un mur couvert de graffitis, je suis resté scotché devant une bonne partie de l'été, j'y ai passé mes journées à regarder tout en dessinant des esquisses sur un carnet à dessin. Plus tard j'ai commencé à chercher d'autre murs dans Munich, où je vis à l'heure actuelle.

blitzkrieg, australia, #7 - 1999

i was born in düsseldorf/germany. my father is in the army, so i moved around quite a lot. the first place i can remember is limburg a.d. lahn. from there i moved to bonn and got into school. in fourth grade, we moved to brussels/belgium and in ninth grade, we moved to munich. there i had my first contact with graffiti, and in early 1995 i moved to düsseldorf to study.

elements, austria, #0 - 0798

Neck: Ich male seit 94 den Namen NECK in der CNS crew (checkin' nuh skillz : ATE1 EFAS MERIC MORITZ NECK SCIEN & CLORE SEAK). Ich bin gebürtiger Düsseldorfer, bin aber 1988 nach München gezogen und habe 89 angefangen zu malen. Im Moment bin ich zwecks Studium wieder in Düsseldorf.

zgb kaos, croatia, #5 - 1998

Every other interviewer would probably ask you to say how you started writing, but I think that shouldn't be too important. It was probably as the other people...

bahnarbeiter, germany, #6 - 1998

Spezi rult, pils gibts überall, spezi ist speziell (trink das original), den ganzen schwip schwap und mezzo mix mist kriegt doch keiner runter. (gut beantwortet, die Red.)

wicked, germany, #2 - 1997

Im Sommer '89 hat mich ein Freund auf eine Wand in meiner Nähe aufmerksam gemacht, in München-Neuperlach. Die Wand war von CHIP, ROMAN, CEMNOZ, TECHNO, NEON und anderen. Die hat mich so beeindruckt, ich bin die ganzen Sommerferien lang immer wieder da hingefahren und habe angefangen, noch andere Wände in München zu suchen. Dabei habe ich dann so nach und nach die Hall of Fames gefunden und ich habe den ganzen Sommer nur damit verbracht, anderen beim Malen zuzusehen. Nebenbei habe ich dann auch angefangen, Skizzen zu zeichnen, und im Winter '89 habe ich dann mein erstes Bild gemalt, noch mit original Sparvar-Caps. 3 Monate später hat mir dann endlich einer Skinnys gezeigt.

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