27 Addicts: a graffiti/design experiment
27 ADDICTS is the documentation of the project ADDICTED TO GESTALTUNG: an experiment which is aiming for the point of intersection between graffiti and graphic design, as well as graffiti writing and computer-based design.
Better late than never...
Four years late, but what the hell: the 2007 relaunch of neckcns.com seems to be going live this weekend in...
new interview for canned goods webzine
jon from canned goods asked me a few interesting questions about the life of a graffiti writer and designer and...
27 Addicts: a graffiti/design experiment
27 ADDICTS is the documentation of the project ADDICTED TO GESTALTUNG: an experiment which is aiming for the point of...
tapedeck.org featured
my recent project tapedeck.org is one of two featured links in the current newsletter from designerinaction. that's SO cool! yay!...